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The Cass Review: Still Not a Silver Bullet

The Cass Review is an investigation into the UK National Health Service treatment of adolescents diagnosed with gender dysphoria. It was released in early April and recommends a strict restriction on the prescription of puberty blockers while calling into question the idea of medicalization generally. It was conducted by renowned UK pediatrician Hillary Cass. I have been reluctant to write on it because I knew that I wouldn't read it. My impulse was to recommend taking The WPATH Files: Another Beginning of the End? , replacing every mention of WPATH Files with The Cass Review. Although every detail would be wrong, the conclusion would remain. " The sterilization of children will not end because of more and better information, although that is critical. It will only end when the concept of gender is destroyed, thoroughly and completely."  There have already been multiple systematic reviews of the evidence for treating the diagnosis of gender dysphoria with synthetic hormo
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The WPATH Files: Another Beginning of the End?

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